The rush is on.

What I’m doing

I had a very productive Sunday. I went to Mass (for the first time in Alaska- I somehow never managed to get it together to go until now, but I always try to have good attendance during Advent), the library, yoga, and The Nutcracker. Mass was ok, but I spent the entire time worrying my skirt was too short (it totally was), and I think I’ll need to shop around a little more. I know it’s a little thing, but I really feel like Catholic churches need to be beautiful, and beautiful buildings are few and far between in Anchorage (they meet all of their beauty needs with the scenery. Right now everything is covered in horfrost, and it’s devastatingly pretty. It looks like the entire world is made of ice). The priest also had an annoying voice, and it was a twenty minute drive from my house, so I need to keep looking.

Yoga continues to be awesome, and my favorite part of the day. I just signed up for my weekly classes, and I’m pretty sure this membership is the best thing I’ve done for myself in a long time. I’ll be sorry when the puppy comes and I need to take a break, but for now, yoga is keeping me happy and sane.

The Nutcracker was a nice treat. I actually got free passes, because up until Friday, I had been dating a member of the orchestra, and he generously offered them to me, and then still followed through, even though he decided to end things. I’m feeling a little bitter about it, mostly because I liked knowing I would socialize with someone other than my coworkers at some point during the week, but it’s mostly ok. I didn’t say hi when I spotted him in the lobby afterwards, but I think it’s fresh enough that I can be a little rude (I also just Facebooked him to say thank you again for the tickets, so I’m not entirely without manners). It’s a little depressing that I can’t seem to get a relationship to stick, but…well, but nothing. It’s depressing. At least I got to go to the ballet though- that was nice. I went with a pleasant girl from work, and we both agreed that we should hang out more. Making friends is hard, but I’ll have a much nicer holiday season if I make an effort to be social.


One response

  1. Grandma

    Here’s what I think…The prayers of the Mass, the readings, the ancient words that keep reminding us of the miracle that was God’s love coming in human form quite humbly asking us to remember him and the quiet time to reflect on what Jesus had to tell us about how loved we are by God. These are the reasons I keep going to Mass when the priest at my church (which is kind of a hodge podge architecturally), hurries through the Canon and speaks with an accent that is difficult to understand. Going regularly to Mass was what my sister urged me to do at a point in my life when I thought it was all pretty much much just blah, blah, blah. She told me that Mass acts rather like water dripping on rock, over time it wears deeper and deeper into you and more and more you understand the mystery of and miracle of life. This helps when the institutional church is putting down women and going on and on about sexuality’s problems and generally being deaf itself to Jesus’ messages. Happil;y, Pope Francis seems to be more enlightened.

    So don’t worry about your short skirt. In that climate, I’m sure you were modestly covered from head to toe anyway.

    As to the “one who got away” this time, his loss. My High School play had the title, “Men Are like Streetcars” The point being, if you miss one, there will be another along any minute. Totally true. (Not much of a play but we had fun doing it). Did I mention I’ve finally gotten into Jane Austin and I love her! Reading about your forays into romance has some Austin qualities to them. It will all turn out well in time.

    I’m glad the yoga is so good. I may have to get into a class but it will have to be of the gentler kind since I’m having enough knee and shoulder issues that I’m pretty much not even playing much tennis these days. Oh, well. It’s winter and pretty cold (for here), anyway.

    December 2, 2013 at 3:50 pm

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