The rush is on.


I thought working on Thanksgiving would be terrible, the worst thing ever (until working on Christmas happens), but it was actually fine. I went to yoga (my first 90-minute Bikram class in Alaska. It was incredibly hard. I took off my shirt, I skipped the second round of several poses, and I actually left the room once. So basically it was glorious), I Skyped my family, and I had a really good night at work. Possibly my best night so far. We were incredibly short-staffed, but it somehow all held together, and nothing bad or unsafe happened. The staff I did have was great, and everyone had a positive attitude, and worked well together (that part isn’t too out of the ordinary- I love my staff, but they were away from their families on a holiday, eating cafeteria ham for dinner, so I was extra proud of them for being terrific).

I’ve been calling this The Year Without Holidays, but that isn’t true. I’ll have my Thanksgiving dinner tomorrow with people from work, and it’ll be different, but still nice. I’m making my own traditions to stand in until I can get back to the old ones. It’s Black Friday, so I’m staying far away from stores, but as soon as things settle down a bit I’m going to go out and get a bunch of Christmas decorations for the house (from the dollar store, because I’m classy). Being in Alaska for the holidays is kind of cool- I had a pretty incredible encounter last night after work.



One response

  1. Peeping Bullwinkle!

    December 3, 2013 at 12:48 am

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